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Cafimar Servizi Marittimi S.p.A. is the Holding Company of the Group and carries-out financial, administrative and technical coordination activities for its subsidiaries/controlled companies.  

Furthermore, it also carries-out operation activities at Civitavecchia port, being the owner of a license for the supply of water to ships by barge. This activity, which has increased in the last years due to the  development of the harbour of Civitavecchia as ships cruise hub, is strictly connected with the activities carried-out by its controlled company Port Utilities S.p.A.

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Rimorchiatori Laziali S.p.A., leader company of the Group and operating sub-holding company, is  the holder of a licence for the towage service in the harbour of Civitavecchia. This activity is performed by a last-generation fleet of tugs, equipped with azimuthal propellers. The company fleet, periodically renewed and the care reserved for the training of the staff,  offers a technologically advanced service in accordance with the line of thought developed by the management of the Group over the years.

In the same port area, the company supplies bunker to ships by its own various sized motor barges fleet and high skilled staff.

Rimorchiatori Laziali S.p.A. is very active in salvage and rescue further to the off-shore towage performing off-shore transportations of materials and industrial products for maritime construction works and towage of ships and pontoons.      

The company holds the majority holdings of the other companies of the Group that carry-out towage and chartering of ships and it is also a partner in the other companies of the Group operating in the environmental services sector.


The fleet of the Group,  composed of fully owned and chartered-in vessels, thanks to her  highly skilled staff is able to provide innovative, efficient and reliable sea-transport solutions on worldwide basis. Chartering and Operations divisions which manage the full fleet, cooperate with Customers to find the best logistic solution in order  to provide a tailor made service  as well as to create a sort of synergy  for a long lasting business relationship.


The vessels managed by Rimorchiatori Laziali S.p.A. are fitted for the carriage of Project Cargo, Heavy Lift, Oil & Gas Equipment, General Cargo, Dangerous Goods (IMO), trucks, vehicles, containers and so on.

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Somat S.p.A. is licensee of the towage service in the Sicilian ports of Palermo, Trapani and Marsala. The tugboat fleet of the company also provides an efficient assistance service to ships carrying flammable or polluting  materials, thanks to a wide range of fire-fighting systems and equipment suitable for the immediate recovery of pollutants that may be discharged at sea.


Through the participation in the consortium company Castalia Ecolmar, Somat S.p.A. carries out the monitoring service and the anti-pollution prevention under the system of convention with the italian Ministry of the Environment.


The Somat S.p.A. offers towage service and assistance to the vessels calling Oil & Gas terminal in  Italy and abroad, including among its costumers some of the most important operators of the market.


The Company fleet is also often involved in offshore jobs of different  duration and level of complexity, such as the transport of cement boxes or other elements necessary for the construction of maritime works, the towage of ships, owned pontoons or pontoons owned by other operators, trunks etc., in the range of action of the Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea, North Europe and West Africa.


In July 2018, the subsidiary Company Somat S.p.A. have acquired Messrs. Compagnia Trasporti Petrolio S.r.l. which is the towage service licensee in Porto Empedocle  (Sicily).

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On January 2020 Rimorchiatori Laziali S.p.A. and Anapo S.r.l. (company controlled by Maxcom Petroli Spa) establish the Bunker Maritime S.r.l. as result of the common business venture in the supply of maritime bunker by barge where both companies operate individually.

The Maritime Bunker S.r.l. takes over the license of bunker supply by barge in the port of Civitavecchia, and, with the intention to develop the trading activity outside, as provided by the agreements between the parties, it takes over the existing licenses of its partner Anapo S.r.l. in the Italian ports of Catania, Siracusa, Brindisi, Savona, Vado Ligure and La Spezia.

Nowadays bunker activities are carried out by three barges between 1.500 and 2.300 DWT but even the possibility of increasing the fleet through purchase or charter of new units is not excluded.



Port Utilities S.P.A., established in the 90's with the participation of some public entities (ACEA S.p.A., and Port Authority of Civitavecchia) and some private companies,  nowadays is a private operator able to provide the port of Civitavecchia users with a plurality of services and activities such as the distribution of electricity and water.  This latter activity  involves the Port Utilities S.p.A. as physical supplier through port infrastructures directly connected to the ships and as supplier for the holding company Cafimar Servizi Marittimi S.p.A. which, in the port area, carries out this service by  own dedicated barges.



S.E.Port. S.r.l.  efficiently and competitively manages all the harbour ecological activities  that represents a service of primary public interest as well as a strong point for an international harbor port such as Civitavecchia, where daily cargo and passengers ships  operate.


The Company carries out the following activities:


  • Collection, storage, disposal and start of waste treatment produced by ships calling the Port of Civitavecchia, whether they are cargoes, cruises or ferries

  • Collection, storage and treatment of hazardous and non-hazardous special waste from harbor users

  • Manual and mechanical cleaning and sweeping of docks and open spaces in the port area

  • Collection and transportation of municipal solid waste from containers located in the port area, including recycling waste collection (paper - glass - plastic)

  • Management of the harbor sewerage network

  • Maintenance of green harbor areas

  • Cleaning of water stretches

  • Bilge water treatment

  • Sterilization of solid waste from ships



The Italian Company Fintowage S.r.l. (of which Rimorchiatori Laziali S.p.A. is part of) and Zouros Group on July 2020 announced the commencement of operations of Nemeca Z, a joint venture established to undertake harbour towage in the main Greek harbours of Piraeus (through the participation, together with Messrs. Megatugs, to the consortium Protugs) and Kavala.

This deal represents a strategic investment for the Rimorchiatori Laziali S.p.A. since it shall serve to further consolidate its activity in the Mediterranean Sea and secure a strong position in a market which involves strong developments.  

By a fleet of eights tugs and three mooring boats, Nemeca Z operates as one of the most important leader in the harbour towage industry in Piraeus and Kavala and in the rescue and anti-pollution intervention off-shore, off the Greek coasts and in other areas of the Mediterranean Sea.

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