Cafimar Servizi Marittimi SpA is the Holding Company of the Group and carries-out financial, administrative and technical coordination activities for its subsidiaries/controlled companies.
Furthermore, it also carries-out operation activities at Civitavecchia port, being the owner of a license for the supply of water to ships by barge. This activity, which has increased in the last years due to the development of the harbor of Civitavecchia as ships cruise hub, is strictly connected with the activities carried-out by its controlled company Port Utilities SpA

Cafimar Servizi Marittimi SpA is the holding company of the Group and carries out financial, administrative and technical coordination activities for its subsidiaries.
The Company also carries out operational activities being the holder in the port area of Civitavecchia of a license for the supply of water to ships by barge. This activity, which has increased in recent years thanks to the increase in the number of cruise ship calls registered in the port of Civitavecchia, is connected to those carried out by the subsidiary Port Utilities SpA