Somat S.p.A. is licensee of the towage service in the Sicilian ports of Palermo, Trapani and Marsala. The tugboat fleet of the company also provides an efficient assistance service to ships carrying flammable or polluting materials, thanks to a wide range of fire-fighting systems and equipment suitable for the immediate recovery of pollutants that may be discharged at sea.
Through the participation in the consortium company Castalia Ecolmar, Somat S.p.A. carries out the monitoring service and the anti-pollution prevention under the system of convention with the italian Ministry of the Environment.
The Somat S.p.A. offers towage service and assistance to the vessels calling Oil & Gas terminal in Italy and abroad, including among its costumers some of the most important operators of the market.
The Company fleet is also often involved in offshore jobs of different duration and level of complexity, such as the transport of cement boxes or other elements necessary for the construction of maritime works, the towage of ships, owned pontoons or pontoons owned by other operators, trunks etc., in the range of action of the Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea, North Europe and West Africa.
In July 2018, the subsidiary Company Somat S.p.A. have acquired Messrs. Compagnia Trasporti Petrolio S.r.l. which is the towage service licensee in Porto Empedocle (Sicily).